Private piano lessons, an MUPR class at UA Little Rock, are available for non-beginners. The exam is administered on the last Friday of classes during the Spring semester, for those who took Piano Proficiency 4 in the Spring, and is administered on the last Friday of classes during the Fall semester for those who are re-taking portions of the exam. The piano proficiency exam is explained here: Piano Proficiency Guidelines. Piano Proficiency 1 – 4 is recommended preparation for non-pianist music majors to take the Piano Proficiency exam, a graduation requirement for all music majors at UA Little Rock. Students who are above the level of beginner may enroll for further study in MUPR private lessons after completing MUAP 1150 if space is available in a professor’s studio. Hakutani to complete a keyboard skills assessment before registering. These keyboard skills are typically acquired by taking the 4-semester course sequence Piano Proficiency 1 – 4 (MUAP 1161, MUAP 1162, MUAP 2161, MUAP 2162). Music Majors in voice or non-keyboard instruments are required to demonstrate a specific level of piano proficiency. This is a course for beginners and has no pre-requisites. Naoki Hakutani BeginnersĪll elective students wishing to enroll in piano lessons who do not yet read music (familiarity with time signatures, scales, chords, and key signatures), and have not had at least one year of private piano lessons previously, should register for group study in the course MUAP 1150 Piano for Non-Majors. If you have any questions about Group Piano Studies at UA Little Rock, please contact Dr. Practice requirements are specified in your instructor’s syllabus for class piano or private lessons. A commitment of regular daily practice time, usually a minimum of four hours per week, is expected of anyone enrolled in class piano or private lessons. Students enrolled in piano study at UA Little Rock may practice in the practice rooms on the second floor of the Fine Arts building, which feature Baldwin upright pianos. The lab is equipped with Roland KR-3 digital keyboards, and a variety of excellent music technology resources. Group piano classes meet in the digital piano lab, Fine Arts rm.